Zoom on Type
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The exhibition project Zoom on Type presents the position of the typographic work of graphic designer and letterer Samuel Čarnoký. Through a site-specific installation of dimensionally exposed letters in the gallery space, it draws attention to the typeface itself, its form as well as its content. It reveals details — often small nuances, which the creator attentively deals with both functionally and aesthetically. It brings the viewer closer to the almost invisible work behind the design of the typeface, which as a recipient, when reading textual information, is usually perceived in a very subliminal way. The intention of the exhibition is to educate the visitor about not only the informational value of type, but also its aesthetic, visual and functional qualities. The unusual size of the characters brings the viewer so close to the typeface that they find themselves right inside the installation and become a part of it. The letters are accessible from multiple sides, it is possible to walk around them. The viewers are thus given a new experience and a different angle of how the typeface can be viewed.

Samuel Čarnoký → Zoom on Type
25. 11. — 31. 12. 2021 • Galéria umenia Ernesta
Zmetáka v Nových Zámkoch (Slovakia) •
objects, video • typeface: Filler • curator: Eva Čarnoká
© Samuel Čarnoký (2021)

Photo credits: Kati Decsi
